In the trademark registration process, one of the statuses of your trademark application is "Advertised bef acc"(advertised before accepted).
At this stage, you can use the TM sign with your logo/name/phrase. Besides, it does not give any legal protection. Still, it shows the people that you have registered your mark
"Advertised bef acc" status means the mark is advertised in the trademark journal with the full details by the trademark registry.
Most importantly, this status only appears in uncommon cases when the officer feels that the mark is weak or may face conflicts.
Therefore, anyone from the general public having an objection to the logo/name/phrase should oppose within 4 months.
If there is no objection within the period, the application then moves forward to the accepting officer.
After the officer accepts the application, the status of the trademark changes to "Accepted and Advertised".
No action is needed by the applicant when the request status is "advertised bef acc".
Hence, the applicant must wait for the final acceptance or any objection from the general public.
However, the applicant should file a counter-statement if there is any objection by the general public.
It is mandatory to file the counter-statement within two months of the opposition.
After the expiration of the opposition period of the status "advertised bef acc", the trademark authority usually takes 3 months to issue the registration certificate.
The next status after will be either
Accepted and Advertised
The application status will change to accepted and advertised after 4 months if there is no objection by anyone.
Above all, the trademark registry publishes your logo/name/phrase in the trademark journal with complete details under your ownership.
Also, this is the final stage of the trademark registration process.
Further, within three months, if anyone from the general public raises any objection to the mark, then the status of the application changes to Opposed.
On the other hand, if no one has any objection, then the status of your trademark changes to Registered. Congratulations! you have successfully gained your powers over your Trademark.
Trademark registration can be a confusing process sometimes. However, with the right guidance and help from the experts, it becomes easy to do so.
Tip: Choose a unique trademark and do a good search before on the Trademark Public Search Portal to avoid any violations.
For more information, you can contact our experts at