Moving forward in the Trademark Registration process, when your mark registers in the trademark journal, it shows "Accepted and Advertised" status in trademark application.
Accepted and Advertised meaning in trademark is that the authority has accepted your mark and listed it in the trademark journal.
Also, it opens for the public to file an opposition, if any, within the prescribed time of 4 months.
After that, once the mark registers, no one can oppose it.
Above all, it gives you all the legal rights over your mark.
Therefore, you can sue the person who copies your mark or sell their services under your brand without your approval.
The applicant does not need to take any action when the status is "Accepted and Advertised".
However, if the general public raises any opposition against the mark after it lists in the journal, then you must file a counter statement within 2 months.
The trademark application process took 15-18 months earlier. However, now it only takes 6-8 months for the complete trademark process.
Though, it takes 4 months for the trademark application status to change from 'Accepted and Advertised' to 'Registered' in case of no opposition.
But, if anyone raises opposition, the mark does not register unless the decision is in your favour.
Interestingly, "Accepted and Advertised" to "Registered" time is the longest time taken by the status to change.
Finally, the applicant gets the Trademark Certificate within a month if no one opposes it in the given time or the decision of the trademark officer is in your favour.
The status after "Accepted and Advertised" is either of the following:
If anyone has any objection, they raise an opposition by filling an application against your mark within the timeline.
Therefore, you must file a counter statement within two months, or the trademark authority will reject your mark.
Once your mark registers, it is valid for 10 years. Also, you can use the ® sign with your logo or brand name now.
After ten years, you will have to file a renewal application to renew the ownership of the mark again under your name.
"Accepted and Advertised" is the last stage of the trademark application.
You should also check the Status of your Trademark Application from time to time to stay updated.
For more information, you can contact our experts at